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LI Xiaoning,ZHOU Yuhui,WANG Han,GUO Linhui,ZHANG Li,MAO Yuxiang.Discussion on the Rule of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Gastric Precancerous Lesions Based on Association Rules and Factor Analysis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(22):2734-2740.
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李晓宁1,2, 周雨慧2, 王涵1,2, 郭林慧1,2, 张丽1,2, 毛宇湘1
1.河北中医学院第一附属医院, 石家庄 050011;2.河北中医学院研究生院, 石家庄 050091
目的 探讨中药治疗胃癌前病变的用药规律。方法 以胃癌前病变为主题词,搜索中国知网(2009年1月1日—2018年12月31日)相关期刊文献所记载的方剂,建立数据库进行统计分析;使用Excel 2013、SPSS Modeler 14.1、SPSS Statistics 19.0统计软件对纳入的中药进行关联规则分析、因子分析和系统聚类分析。结果 纳入符合标准的期刊文献83篇,共含中药167味,频数共计1 676次。其中,使用频数≥5的中药49味,使用频数≥15的高频药物22味,以白花蛇舌草(48,6.45%)最为常见;功效分类中以补虚药(207,27.82%)、清热药(171,27.98%)和活血化瘀药(111,14.92%)为主;药性以温(273,36.94%)、寒(233,31.53%)、平(193,26.12%)为主,药味以苦(420,36.90%)、甘(385,33.83%)、辛(266,23.37%)为主;归经分类以脾、胃、肝经居多。关联规则分析中发现关联强度最高的药对组合为10种,因子分析可提取8个公因子,系统聚类分析归为3大类。结论 胃癌前病变的中医治疗以补虚药、清热药、活血化瘀药使用频率最高,并随证配伍理气药、利水渗湿药。
关键词:  胃癌前病变  性味归经  关联规则  因子分析  聚类分析
Discussion on the Rule of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Gastric Precancerous Lesions Based on Association Rules and Factor Analysis
LI Xiaoning1,2, ZHOU Yuhui2, WANG Han1,2, GUO Linhui1,2, ZHANG Li1,2, MAO Yuxiang1
1.The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang 050011, China;2.Graduate School of Hebei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang 050091, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the regularity of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of precancerous lesions of gastric cancer. METHODS Precancerous lesions were used as the main topic, prescriptions recorded in relevant journals on CNKI(from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2018) were searched, and a database was established for statistical analysis. Using Excel 2013, SPSS Modeler 14.1 and SPSS Statistics 19.0 statistical software, association rule analysis, factor analysis and system clustering analysis were conducted for the included TCM medicines. RESULTS Eighty three periodical literatures met the standards, and were included, including 167 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine, with a total frequency of 1 676 times. Among the 167 herbs, included 49 herbs with frequency≥5, 22 high-frequency drugs with frequency≥15, Hedyotis diffusa was the most common used(48, 6.45%). Efficacy classification was mainly composed of tonic-deficiency drugs(207, 27.82%), heat-clearing drugs(171, 22.98%) and blood-activating and stasis-relieving drugs(111, 14.92%). The medicinal properties were mainly warm(273, 36.94%), cold(233, 31.53%) and calm(193, 26.12%), while the taste was mainly bitter(420, 36.90%), sweet(385, 33.83%) and pungent(266, 23.37%). Classification by spleen, stomach, liver channel was in the majority. In the analysis of association rules, 10 drug pairs with the highest association strength were found, 8 common factors were extracted from the factor analysis, and they were classified into 3 categories based on the systematic clustering analysis.CONCLUSION The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of precancerous lesions of gastric cancer is mainly filled with tonic-deficiency drugs, with the most frequent used of heat-clearing drugs, blood-activating and stasis-relieving drugs, and the combination with the syndrome of regulating Qi drugs, water infiltration and dampening drugs.
Key words:  precancerous lesions of gastric cancer  meridian tropism  association rules  factor analysis  cluster analysis