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ZHANG Wei,JIA Xiaobin,LIU Jia,ZHU Jinhua.Optimization of Extraction Process of Alkaloid from Solanum Nigrum by Central Composite Design-response Surface Methodology[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(2):152-155.
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张威1, 贾晓斌2, 刘嘉1, 朱劲华1
1.江苏建康职业学院,南京 210029;2.江苏省中医药研究院,南京 210028
目的 通过星点设计-效应面法优化龙葵生物碱提取工艺。方法 在单因素试验的基础上以提取液中95%乙醇体积分数、提取温度和提取时间为考察因素,以澳洲茄碱提取率为考察指标,采用星点设计-效应面法设计试验优化龙葵生物碱的提取工艺。结果 经运用DPS软件处理,选用3次多项式模型描述考察指标和3个考察因素之间的数学关系,并绘制效应面,确定最佳提取工艺参数:95%乙醇体积分数为73.6%,提取温度为60 ℃,提取时间为63.3 min,澳洲茄碱提取率预测值为0.683 0 mg·g-1,验证值为0.676 3 mg·g-1。结论 星点设计-效应面法能有效优化龙葵生物碱提取工艺,预测性良好。
关键词:  龙葵  生物碱  星点设计  效应面法
Optimization of Extraction Process of Alkaloid from Solanum Nigrum by Central Composite Design-response Surface Methodology
ZHANG Wei1, JIA Xiaobin2, LIU Jia1, ZHU Jinhua1
1.Jiangsu Jiankang Vocation College, Nanjing 210029, China;2.Jiangsu Province Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210028, China
OBJECTIVE To optimize the extraction process for alkaloid by the central composite design-response surface methodology from Solanum nigrum. METHODS On the basis of one factor tests, the method of the central composite design-response surface analysis 3 factors including concentration of methanol in the extraction impregnate, extraction temperature, time, and extraction percentage of alkaloid from Solanum nigrum as response value was adopted. RESULTS The quantitative relationships between 3 factors and the response value were characterized by DPS. Optimal formulation was proposed to concentration of methanol 73.6%, extraction temperature 60 ℃, extraction time 63.3 min. The predicted value and measured value of alkaloid from Solanum nigrum was 0.683 0 mg·g-1 and 0.676 3 mg·g-1, respectively. CONCLUSION The result indicates that extraction process of alkaloid from Solanum nigrum could be achieved by the central composite design-response surface methodology, and it is predictable.
Key words:  Solanum nigrum  alkaloid  central composite design  response surface methodology