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SHI Huihui,WU fan,JU Jianming,HUA Junlei,LI Zhenhua,HUO Jiege.Comparatively Study on Content of Hederagenin from Different Parts of Fructus Akebiae[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(11):1344-1347.
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石慧慧1,2, 吴凡1, 鞠建明1, 华俊磊1,3, 李振华1,3, 霍介格1
1.中国中医科学院江苏分院,江苏省中医药研究院,江苏 210028;2.安徽中医药大学药学院,安徽 230031;3.南京中医药大学药学院,南京 210046
目的 建立预知子中常春藤皂苷元的HPLC-ELSD含量测定方法,并比较果实、种子和果皮3个不同部位中常春藤皂苷元含量差异。方法 色谱条件:色谱柱为Ultimate XB柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),流动相为乙腈-水-甲酸(70∶30∶0.1),流速为1.0 mL·min-1,柱温为35 ℃,ELSD漂移管温度为90 ℃,载气流速为2.5 L·min-1。结果 常春藤皂苷元在0.36~3.60 μg内峰面积积分值常用对数与进样量常用对数有良好的线性关系(r=0.999 4);平均回收率为99.04 %,RSD为2.0 %。预知子果实、种子、果皮中常春藤皂苷元含量范围分别为24.28~35.18,37.21~58.38,7.83~19.44 mg·g-1。结论 本研究所建立的含量测定方法简便、准确、重复性强,可用于预知子药材的质量控制。预知子不同部位中常春藤皂苷元的含量存在显著差异,在临床应用中应根据使用部位确定药材用量。
关键词:  预知子  HPLC-ELSD  常春藤皂苷元
Comparatively Study on Content of Hederagenin from Different Parts of Fructus Akebiae
SHI Huihui1,2, WU fan1, JU Jianming1, HUA Junlei1,3, LI Zhenhua1,3, HUO Jiege1
1.Jiangsu Province Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210028, China;2.College of Pharmacy Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China;3.College of Pharmacy Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210046, China
OBJECTIVE To establish a quantitative determination method for hederagenin in Akebia Fructus after being hydrolyzed by HPLC-ELSD, and to compare the content of hederagen in Akebiae Fructus different parts. METHODS Samples were analyzed with Ultimate XB column(4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm). Acetonitrile-water-formic acid(70∶30∶0.1) was used as mobile phases. Flow rate was 1.0 mL·min-1. Column temperature was 35 ℃. Drift tube temperature of ELSD was set at 90 ℃. And flow rate of nitrogen was maintained 2.5 L·min-1. RESULTS There were good linear relationship between natural logarithm of peak areas and injection quality at the range of 0.36-3.60 μg(r=0.999 4 ). The average recovery of hederagenin was 99.04% and RSD was 2.0%. The content of hederagenin in fruit, seed and peel was 24.28-35.18, 37.21-58.38, 7.83-19.44 mg·g-1, respectively. CONCLUSION The method is simple, accurate and specific. It provides a reliable way for evaluating the quality of Akebiae Fructus. The contents of hederagenin in different medicinal parts of Akebiae Fructus were significantly different. The study provides the scientific evidence for using Akebiae Fructus.
Key words:  Akebiae Fructus  HPLC-ELSD  hederagenin