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HONG Qing,HE Danhong,YUAN Xi,LU Xuliang,CHEN Yina.Optimized Preparation of Molding Process of Total Flavones of Bidens Bipinnata Dropping Pills by Central Composite Design-Response Surface Method[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(9):996-1001.
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洪清1, 何丹鸿1, 袁曦1, 陆旭亮2, 陈宜娜3
1.福建医科大学附属第一医院,福州 350005;2.福建医科大学,福州 350004;3.河南中医学院,郑州 450001
目的 探讨鬼针草总黄酮滴丸的最佳成型工艺。方法 以药物与基质比、滴距、Tween-80质量分数为考察因素,丸重差异、圆整度、溶散时限及总评归一值为考察指标,运用星点设计—效应面法优选鬼针草总黄酮滴丸的成型工艺,结果经多元线性回归和二项式拟合,建立指标与因素之间的数学模型,经效应面法预测最佳成型工艺条件,并进行模型预测及验证实验。结果 优化滴丸最佳成型工艺为药物与基质比为1.8 mL∶1 g,滴距为2.20 cm,Tween-80质量分数为3.18%,各项考察指标的预测值与实测值偏差均较小。结论 星点设计-效应面优化法适用于鬼针草总黄酮滴丸成型工艺的研究,所建立的数学模型预测性良好。
关键词:  鬼针草总黄酮  滴丸  星点设计  效应面法  总评归一值
分类号:R 944 2
Optimized Preparation of Molding Process of Total Flavones of Bidens Bipinnata Dropping Pills by Central Composite Design-Response Surface Method
HONG Qing1, HE Danhong1, YUAN Xi1, LU Xuliang2, CHEN Yina3
1.First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350005, China;2.Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350004, China;3.Henan University of Tradition Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450001, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the optimum moulding process of total flavones of Bidens bipinnata dropping pills. METHODS Independent variables were the proportion of substrate to drug, dropping distance, and Tween 80 content, while dependent variables were pills weight variation, roundness, limited disintegration time and overall desirability. The central composite design-response surface method was used to optimize the optimum moulding process. Multivariate linear regression and second-order quadratic models were fitted to establish the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The optimum moulding process was predicted by response surface method. And model prediction and confirmatory tests were carried out in the end. RESULTS The optimum moulding process of the optimization were proportion between drug and substrate 1.8 mL∶1 g, dropping distance 2.20 cm, and Tween-80 content 3.18%. Bias between observed and predicted values of all inspection indexes were small. CONCLUSION The central composite design-response surface method are useful for the optimization of moulding process of flavones of Bidens bipinnata dropping pills. The estimation of the established model is good.
Key words:  total flavones of Bidens bipinnata  dropping pills  central composite design  response surface method  overall desirability