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LI Li,LI Sidong,SUN Yingping,SUN Xiaowei.Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Compound Catoporile Tablets by Optic-fiber Sensing Technology[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(7):765-770.
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李莉1, 李思栋1, 孙颖平1, 孙晓伟2
1.新疆医科大学药学院,乌鲁木齐 830011;2.新疆医科大学基础医学院,乌鲁木齐 830011
目的 建立光纤传感技术结合紫外双波长法对复方卡托普利片快速定量分析的方法。方法 采用自组装的光纤传感紫外药物快速分析系统,将探头直接插入复方卡托普利样品溶液中,系统瞬间获得样品的特征图谱。自开发的软件系统将其存入样品图谱库,并与标准图谱库中的标准图谱相关数据作比较。利用图谱特征参数差异和紫外双波长法,软件的计算功能可扣除辅料和有效组分间的干扰。采用对照品标准光谱比较法,对复方卡托普利片中有效成分氢氯噻嗪和卡托普利进行快速定量分析。结果 氢氯噻嗪和卡托普利含量测定的线性相关系数分别为0.999 8和0.999 6,平均回收率分别为100.2%和100. 6%;含量测定结果与药典方法无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 光纤传感分析法可用于快速、准确对复方卡托普利片进行定量分析。
关键词:  光纤传感  复方卡托普利  紫外双波长  快速定量分析
Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Compound Catoporile Tablets by Optic-fiber Sensing Technology
LI Li1, LI Sidong1, SUN Yingping1, SUN Xiaowei2
1.Xinjiang Medical University Pharmacy College, Urumqi 830011, China;2.Xinjiang Medical University Basic Medical College, Urumqi 830011, China)
OBJECTIVE To establish a rapid analysis method of compound Catoporile tablets by optical-fiber sensing technology and UV dual wavelength spectrum. METHODS Under optical-fiber sensing system, the probe was inserted into sample dissolution, the characteristic map of the sample was obtained instantaneously, it could be stored in the sample database by software with the standard map in standard map database for comparation. Under the difference of characteristic parameters and the method of UV dual wavelength, the excipients interference and the mutual interference between the effective component could be deducted by computer software. Adopting reference substance comparation method, quantitative analysis of the effective component such as catoporile and hydrochlorothiazide could be achieved rapidly. RESULTS Determination of this method did not need to filter excipients, the treatment of sample was simple. The linear correlation coefficients of the content determination of hydrochlorothiazide and catoporil were 0.999 8 and 0.999 6, and the average recovery are 100.2% and 100.6%. The results were in line with Ch.P in the regulations. CONCLUSION The method of analysis by fiber optic sensor can be used for rapid quantitative analysis of active constitute catoporil and hydrochlorothiazide in the compound Catoporil tablets.
Key words:  optic fiber sensing  compound Captopril tablets  UV dual wavelength  rapid quantitative analysis