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MA Junyi, ZHANG Ji, WEI Xianglong, WANG Baosheng, WANG Huali.Study on β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Technology of Volatile Oil from Thymus mongolicus Ronn.[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2012,29(5):422-427.
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1.西北师范大学生命科学学院,兰州 730070;2.甘肃特色植物有效成分制品工程技术研究中心,兰州 730070
目的 研究百里香挥发油β-环糊精(β-CD)包合的最佳工艺条件。方法 以挥发油利用率和包合物得率的综合评分为筛选指标,在单因素试验的基础上选择百里香挥发油与β-CD的用量比、包合温度、包合时间为考察因素,采用L9(33)正交试验设计优化百里香挥发油β-CD包合工艺。结果 最佳包合工艺条件为百里香挥发油与β-CD的用量比为1∶8,包合时间为2.5 h,包合温度为40 ℃, 在此最佳工艺下,包合物得率、挥发油利用率和包合物含油率分别为88.76%,89.62%和9.41%。结论 优选得到的百里香挥发油β-CD包合工艺合理、稳定、可行,有效地提高了百里香挥发油的稳定性。
关键词:  百里香  挥发油  β-环糊精  包合工艺
Study on β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Technology of Volatile Oil from Thymus mongolicus Ronn.
MA Junyi, ZHANG Ji, WEI Xianglong, WANG Baosheng, WANG Huali1,2
1.College of Life Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China;2.Gansu Engineering and Technology Research Center of Effective Component Products from Characteristic Plants, Lanzhou 730070, China
OBJECTIVE To study the optimal condition of β-cyelodextrin (β-CD) inclusion technology of volatile oil from Thymus mongolicus Ronn. METHODS With the ratio of volatile oil to β-CD, inclusion temperature and time as the factors, the utilization rate of volatile oil and the yield of inclusion complex as the comprehensive evaluation indices, the optimum preparation technology conditions on the inclusion compounds were selected by the L9(33) orthogonal design which based on the single factor test. RESULTS The optimal inclusion technology conditions were as follows:the ratio of volatile oil to β-CD was l∶8, the inclusion temperature and time was 40 ℃ for 2.5 h. The yield of inclusion complex, the utilization rate of volatile oil and the oil percentage in inclusion complex were 88.76%, 89.62% and 9.41% respectively under this optimal condition. CONCLUSION The optimal inclusion technology conditions are reasonable, stable and feasible, the stability of volatile oil is increased after being included by β-CD.
Key words:  Thymus mongolicus Ronn.  volatile oil  β-cyclodextrin(β-CD)  inclusion technology