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LiYayu,YuCao,ShiJieyi,DongZheyu,MuLe.Focus on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Build a New Way of Chronic Disease Management[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(23):13-12.
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李亚妤, 俞操, 史洁漪, 董哲妤, 木乐
关键词:  中医药  慢病管理  现代化研究  防治
Focus on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Build a New Way of Chronic Disease Management
LiYayu, YuCao, ShiJieyi, DongZheyu, MuLe
Hangzhou TCM Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
Chronic non-communicable diseases (hereinafter referred to as chronic diseases) have become a major public health problem that threatens national health and national economic development in China, and traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. In this issue, we launch a column entitled "Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine", which discusses in depth from two parts: "Clinical Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine" and "Frontier Progress in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine", aiming to provide new ideas for the further exploration of the management of chronic diseases with traditional Chinese medicine, promote the high-quality development of the field of prevention and treatment of chronic diseases with traditional Chinese medicine, and open up new ways for the long-term management and health of patients with chronic diseases.
Key words:  traditional Chinese medicine  management of chronic disease  modernization studies  prevention and cure