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Jia Tingting,Lin Yan,Zhang Meng,Miao Jing.Research advances in small molecule targeted therapies for pediatric neuroblastoma[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(24):.
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关键词:  神经母细胞瘤  高危  生物标志物  靶向治疗  小分子抑制剂
Research advances in small molecule targeted therapies for pediatric neuroblastoma
Jia Tingting1, Lin Yan2, Zhang Meng2, Miao Jing2
1.浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院;2.Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Malignant tumors have become the second leading cause of death in children, with neuroblastoma (NB) being one of the most common pediatric malignant solid tumors, accounting for 15% of childhood cancer-related mortality. The high heterogeneity exhibited by NB poses challenges to its treatment, which currently encompasses surgical resection, chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, radiation therapy, anti-GD2 based immunotherapy, and the differentiating agent 13-cis retinoic acid therapy. New therapeutic approaches are urgently needed to enhance the efficacy, reduce recurrence rates, and improve survival rates in high-risk NB children. Small-molecule targeted drugs have the advantages of strong selectivity, low toxicity and stable structure, and have been extensively employed in precision medicine for various tumors. With advancements in understanding the pathogenesis of NB, numerous molecular signatures have been identified as targets for therapeutic intervention. This review provides a comprehensive summary of current potential targets for NB along with ongoing research on small molecule targeted drugs, in order to facilitate further development of targeted therapies in pediatric NB.
Key words:  neuroblastoma  high-risk  molecular biomarker  targeted therapy  small-molecule inhibitors