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Dai meng-fei,Ding Hai-ying,Pan Li-bin,Wang Ting-ting,Mi Xiu-fang,Xin Wen-xiu,Fang Luo.Mining and analysis of adverse event signals related to probiotic preparations based on FAERS[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(21):59-63.
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关键词:  益生菌  FDA不良事件报告系统  药物警戒  比例失衡法  不良事件信号挖掘
Mining and analysis of adverse event signals related to probiotic preparations based on FAERS
Dai meng-fei, Ding Hai-ying, Pan Li-bin, Wang Ting-ting, Mi Xiu-fang, Xin Wen-xiu, Fang Luo
Zhejiang Cancer Hospital
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To mine the signals of adverse events related to probiotics based on the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database, providing a reference for the safety of probiotics. METHODS Data on adverse events related to probiotics reported in the FAERS database from the first quarter of 2004 to the fourth quarter of 2023 were collected. Records with probiotics as the primary suspect (PS) were selected for analysis. Data mining was conducted using the Reporting Odds Ratio (ROR) method and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) method within the disproportionality analysis. RESULTS A total of 63 reports with probiotics as the PS were obtained, reporting 257 adverse events. Thirteen signals of adverse events related to probiotics were identified according to the disproportionality analysis, involving six system organ classes (SOCs), primarily centered on gastrointestinal disorders. Some adverse events were not documented in the package inserts of probiotics approved in China, necessitating more evidence to establish causality between probiotics and these adverse events. CONCLUSION Although the number of reports of adverse events related to probiotics in FAERS is relatively low, some signals of adverse events were identified. This study provides important reference information for the management of adverse events of probiotics.
Key words:  probiotics  FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS)  pharmacovigilance  disproportionality analysis  adverse event signal mining