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he peiyi,zang linquan,chen cong.Research Progress on Xiaoyaosan for Treating Depression: A Gut Microbiota Perspective[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(21):51-58.
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何佩宜1, 臧林泉1, 陈聪2
关键词:  抑郁症,肠道菌群,逍遥散,抗抑郁机制
Research Progress on Xiaoyaosan for Treating Depression: A Gut Microbiota Perspective
he peiyi1, zang linquan1, chen cong2
1.Guangdong Pharmaceutical University;2.贵州中医药大学
ABSTRACT: The incidence of depression is increasing annually, with its etiology still unclear. The gut microbiota plays a significant role in the onset and development of depression, participating through pathways such as inflammatory responses, HPA axis regulation, monoamine neurotransmitter modulation, and neurotrophic factor regulation. Thus, modulating the gut microbiota has become an emerging direction for treating depression. Xiaoyaosan, a classical traditional Chinese medicine formula, has shown remarkable effectiveness in treating depression, with significant advantages. Numerous studies have confirmed that Xiaoyaosan exerts its antidepressant effects by regulating the gut microbiota. This review summarizes recent studies on the changes in gut microbiota in patients with depression treated with Xiaoyaosan, the role of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of depression, and the antidepressant mechanisms of Xiaoyaosan through gut microbiota regulation. By summarizing these studies, this review provides references for the prevention and treatment of depression and the further development of traditional Chinese medicine. KEY WORDS: Depression, Gut Microbiota, Xiaoyaosan, Antidepressant Mechanism
Key words:  Depression, Gut  Microbiota, Xiaoyaosan, Antidepressant  Mechanism