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jianglifang,jintao,duxiaoyi,yangongyu,shentaoye,wanglinrun.Discussion on the practice of constructing the performance management system of pharmacists in tertiary public hospitals[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(22):106-110.
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江丽芳, 金滔, 杜晓依, 羊红玉, 沈陶冶, 王临润
摘要:目的 基于公立医院药学高质量发展需求,构建适用于医院药学部门的定量定性相结合的三级医院药师绩效管理体系。方法 利用实证归纳法、德尔菲法与文献分析法,从完善药学组织构架与岗位职能、药师岗位胜任力模型设计、药师薪酬方案和绩效考核方案三个方面系统设计,构建公立医院药师绩效管理体系。结果 公立医院综合实施药师绩效考核与管理,各项药事管理指标运行良好,质量持续改进。2024年1月8日国家卫健委公布2022年度三级公立医院绩效考核结果,我院位列全国第二,其中药事管理考核指标:抗菌药物使用强度(DDD)为39.73;处方点评占处方总数的比例为6.14%;住院患者基本药物使用率占92.89%;国家组织药品集中采购中标药物使用比例76.06%;辅助用药收入占比为0.12%。公立医院药师绩效管理体系的构建促进学科发展,提高工作效率,促进合理用药水平。结论 本研究构建的绩效管理体系客观可行,为医院药师职业发展、薪酬发放、职称晋升与人才培养提供参考依据,对促进医院药师综合能力的提升以及医院药学的高质量发展具有重要意义。
关键词:  三级医院  药师  绩效体系  岗位胜任力
Discussion on the practice of constructing the performance management system of pharmacists in tertiary public hospitals
jianglifang, jintao, duxiaoyi, yangongyu, shentaoye, wanglinrun
the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE Based on the high quality development needs of public hospital pharmacy, a performance management system for pharmacists in tertiary hospitals, which is suitable for the hospital pharmacy department and combines quantitative and qualitative, was constructed. METHODS By using literature analysis, Delphi method and empirical induction method, the performance management system of pharmacists in public hospitals was systematically designed from three aspects: improving the pharmaceutical organization structure and post functions, designing pharmacists' post competency model, pharmacists' salary scheme and performance appraisal scheme. RESULTS According to the performance assessment results of third-level public hospitals announced by the National Health and Health Commission in 2022 on January 8, 2024, the pharmaceutical management indicators of our hospital have been continuously improved and run well. The proportion of review prescriptions accounted for 6.14% of the total prescriptions. The use intensity of antibiotics (DDD) was 39.73; The utilization rate of essential drugs in inpatients accounted for 92.89%; The proportion of bid-winning drugs used in the centralized procurement of drugs organized by the state is 76.06%; The income of adjuvant drugs accounted for 0.12%. The establishment of the performance management system for pharmacists in public hospitals promotes the development of disciplines, improves work efficiency and promotes the level of rational drug use. CONCLUSION The performance management system established in this study is objective and feasible, which provides a reference for the career development, salary payment, professional title promotion and personnel training of hospital pharmacists, and is of great significance for promoting the improvement of the comprehensive ability of hospital pharmacists and the high-quality development of hospital pharmacy. KEY WORDS: tertiary hospital ; pharmacist ; performance system; post competence
Key words:  tertiary hospital  pharmacist  performance system  ? post competence