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An Wen-Feng,Liu Yuan-Xiang.Research progress of Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of migraine based on Microbial-intestinal-brain axis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(23):42-48.
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安文凤1, 刘源香2
关键词:  偏头痛  微生物-肠-脑轴  中医治疗  综述
Research progress of Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of migraine based on Microbial-intestinal-brain axis
An Wen-Feng1, Liu Yuan-Xiang2
1.Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;2.Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Migraine is a chronic neurovascular disease,and its pathogenesis is still unclear.At present,trigeminal neurovascular theory and cortical spreading depression are relatively recognized.Brain-gut axis is a pathway for intestinal microorganisms to participate in two-way information exchange between brain and intestine,which can affect the attack of migraine.Migraine belongs to the category of "Brain wind" and "Headache" in tradational Chinese medicine,which is safe and effective in treating migraine with little side effects.In recent years,more and more studies have suggested that migraine has a certain relationship with microbial-intestinal-brain axis.Traditional Chinese medicine,acupuncture and moxibustion can interfere with the pathogenesis of migraine by affecting the level of brain-intestine peptide and the diversity and abundance of intestinal flora to achieve analgesic effect.Therefore,the changes of brain-gut peptide and intestinal flora may be the potential mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in treating migraine.Based on the latest research results,this paper based on the theory of microbial-brain axis,summarizes the pathogenesis of migraine and the influence of traditional Chinese medicine on the microbial-intestinal-brain axis pathway of migraine patients,so as to provide reference for scientific research and clinical diagnosis and treatment of migraine.
Key words:  Migraine  Microbial-intestinal-brain axis  Chinese medicine treatment  Summarize