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Liu xiangcen,Chen weiwei.Research on the molding process of Quyu Jiedu Scrapping Ointment and in vitro transdermal test[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(21):111-117.
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刘相岑1, 陈卫卫2
目的 优化祛瘀解毒刮痧膏成型工艺。方法 以性状、高温稳定性、低温稳定性、离心稳定性、延展性的总评分作为评价指标,采用Box-Behnken响应面试验法优选祛瘀解毒刮痧膏的基质配比;以芍药苷的累计渗透量及渗透动力学参数作为评价指标通过体外透皮试验确定透皮促渗透剂的类型及含量。结果 祛瘀解毒刮痧膏成型工艺处方为药液45.8 g、吐温80 0.3 g、单硬脂酸甘油酯12.2 g、蜂蜡5 g、羊毛脂9 g、白凡士林9 g、轻质液体石蜡26 g、司盘80 2.7 g、氮酮5.5 g、山梨酸0.2 g。结论 优选的祛瘀解毒刮痧膏成型工艺合理可行,质量稳定可控。
关键词:  祛瘀解毒刮痧膏  成型工艺  响应面试验法  体外透皮试验
分类号:R944.9 ?????
Research on the molding process of Quyu Jiedu Scrapping Ointment and in vitro transdermal test
Liu xiangcen,Chen weiwei
College of Pharmacy, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To optimize the molding process of Quyu Jiedu Scrapping Ointment. METHODS Total scores of characteristics, high temperature stability, low temperature stability, centrifugal stability, and ductility are used as evaluation indicators. The matrix prescription type and matrix ratio were screened respectively by Box-Behnken response surface method; the cumulative osmotic amount and infiltration dynamic parameters of the peony is used as the evaluation index to determine the type and content of the permeable penetration agent through the in vitro permeation test. CONCLUSION The best molding process of the Quyu Jiedu scrapping ointment was determined as follows: 45.8 g liquid , 0.3 g Tween 80, 12.2 g glycerin monostearate, 5 g beeswax, 9g lanolin, 9g white vaseline, 26 g light liquid paraffin, 2.7 g emulsifier 80,5.5 g azone and 0.2 g sorbic acid. Conclusion The moulding process of the Quyu Jiedu scrapping ointment is reasonable and feasible, and the quality is stable and controllable.
Key words:  Quyu Jiedu Scrapping Ointment  Molding process  Response surface method  in vitro permeation test