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WANG Ziang,LI Yijing,CHEN Jiaqi,ZHU Yanhui,WANG Baiyan,JIA Yongyan,ZHU Xiali.Injectable liposome hydrogel co-loading elemene and nano graphene oxide for therapy of 4T1 breast cancer[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(19):70-78.
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王子昂1, 李一菁1, 陈家琦1, 朱艳慧1, 王白燕2, 贾永艳1, 祝侠丽1
目的 结合808 nm激光照射,探讨共载榄香烯(ELE)和甘草次酸修饰的纳米氧化石墨烯(GA/NGO)的可注射型脂质体水凝胶(Lip-gel)用于4T1乳腺癌光热-化协同靶向治疗。方法 以4T1乳腺癌细胞为模型,采用MTT、激光共聚焦等技术进行细胞抑制和摄取试验;以4T1雌性BALB/c小鼠为模型,采用红外热成像、活体成像、ELISA等技术评价体内分布和抗肿瘤活性。结果 与ELE溶液相比,ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel能够显著抑制4T1细胞的增殖作用(P<0.001),并且具有浓度和时间依赖性。经瘤内注射给药后,ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel在荷瘤小鼠体内具有良好的光热转换效应,在肿瘤组织的滞留时间较长。药效学试验中ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel组小鼠体重无明显变化、相对肿瘤体积变化较小,H E和TUNEL病理切片结果显示ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel可使肿瘤细胞大面积凋亡。ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel可显著降低小鼠血清中TNF-α、IFN-γ、IL-6的含量(P<0.001)。结论 ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel结合近红外光照射对4T1乳腺癌的体内外抗肿瘤活性增强。
关键词:  榄香烯  纳米氧化石墨烯  脂质体水凝胶  光热-化治疗  4T1乳腺癌
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81803740);河南省高等学校重点科研项目(No. 23A360007)
Injectable liposome hydrogel co-loading elemene and nano graphene oxide for therapy of 4T1 breast cancer
WANG Ziang1, LI Yijing1, CHEN Jiaqi1, ZHU Yanhui1, WANG Baiyan2, JIA Yongyan1, ZHU Xiali1
1.Pharmacy College,Henan University of Chinese Medicine;2.Basic Medicine College,Henan University of Chinese Medicine
OBJECTIVE Combined with 808 nm laser irradiation, the injectable liposome hydrogel (ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel) loaded with elemene (ELE) and glycyrrhetinic acid modified nano graphene oxide (GA/NGO) was investigated for photothermal and synergistic targeted therapy of 4T1 breast cancer. METHODS 4T1 breast cancer cell was taken as a model, MTT and laser confocal technology were used for the antitumor activity and uptake test. 4T1 bearing female BALB/c mice was taken as a model, infrared thermal imaging, in vivo imaging, ELISA and other techniques were used to evaluate the biodistribution and pharmacodynamics of ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel. RESULTS Compared with ELE solution, ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel significantly inhibited the proliferation of 4T1 cells (P<0.001) in a concentration - and time-dependent manner. After intratumoral injection, ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel had a good photothermal conversion effect in tumor-bearing mice and a longer retention time in tumor tissues. In the pharmacodynamic test, ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel group showed no significant changes in body weight and relative tumor volume, and the results also showed that ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel could induce large area apoptosis of tumor cells, and significantly reduced the levels of TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-6 in serum of mice (P<0.001). CONCLUSION ELE-GA/NGO-Lip-gel combined with near infrared light irradiation could enhance the antitumor activity of 4T1 breast cancer in vivo and in vitro.
Key words:  elemene, nano graphene oxide  liposome hydrogel  chemo-photothermal therapy  4T1 breast cancer