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zhu jia liang,zhuang shanshan,lu shuang,li rui,wang chong,xu miao.Special Quality Research on Eye Drops for National Drug Sampling Inspection[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(23):131-137.
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朱嘉亮1, 庄珊珊2, 陆爽3, 李睿3, 王翀1, 徐苗1
关键词:  滴眼剂  处方合理性  抑菌剂  质量分析
Special Quality Research on Eye Drops for National Drug Sampling Inspection
zhu jia liang1, zhuang shanshan2, lu shuang3, li rui3, wang chong1, xu miao1
1.National Institutes for Food and Drug Control;2.Fujian Institutes for Food and Drug Quality Control;3.Jiangsu Institutes for Food and Drug Control
Objective To evaluate the current quality status and existing quality risks of domestic eye drops sampling, and provide suggestions for improvement. Methods Reviewing the current status of sampling quality of eye drops across the country over the years, and in accordance with the overall requirements of the national evaluative sampling plan, using legal standard inspection methods combined with exploratory research to inspect samples in 2018, 2020, and 2021, and analyzing the main quality problems discovered. Results The pass rate of eye drops sampling inspections has shown an improving trend year by year, but research has found that there are still certain problems in quality standards, prescription design, production technology, and packaging material compatibility. Conclusion At present, eye drops still have problems such as unreasonable prescriptions and substandard bacteriostatic efficacy of some products. It is recommended to improve and unify quality standards, optimize prescriptions and packaging materials, and standardize product labels.
Key words:  eye drops  prescription rationality  antibacterial agent  quality analysis