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ChenTingting,Wu Suhui,Li Genlin,Jia An,Li Hanbing.Research progress on intestinal bacteria metabolic process and pharmacological effects of ellagic acid components[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(21):10-17.
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陈婷婷1, 吴宿慧2, 李根林2, 贾安2, 李寒冰2
鞣花酸(Ellagic acid,EA)是一种天然的抗氧化剂多酚二脂酸,具有抗炎、抑菌、抗肿瘤等药理作用,但如何提高其生物利用度一直以来是医药学界关注的问题,近年来发现肠道菌群可多途径参与鞣花酸的代谢,并改变其功效。研究表明,人体中的肠道菌群与鞣花酸发生相互作用,一方面肠道菌群对鞣花酸的化学结构进行生物转化,产生新的代谢物尿石素(Urolithin,Uro);另一方面,鞣花酸在胃肠道的利用度较低,但部分会被肠道微生物代谢成尿石素类产物提高生物利用率。本文总结了关于肠道菌群与鞣花酸成分相互作用的最新研究进展,介绍天然鞣花酸在肠道菌群作用下转化类型及代谢特征,同时阐述鞣花酸对肠道菌群的调节作用;此外,本文对肠道菌群作用下鞣花酸和尿石素的多种药理活性进行阐述,为深入研究如何提高鞣花酸的生物利用度,以及研究鞣花酸和尿石素等其他多酚类天然产物的在体内代谢特征及药效作用机制提供有效的科学参考。
关键词:  药物代谢  鞣花酸  尿石素  肠道菌群  药理作用
Research progress on intestinal bacteria metabolic process and pharmacological effects of ellagic acid components
ChenTingting1, Wu Suhui2, Li Genlin2, Jia An2, Li Hanbing2
1.Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;2.Henan Health Aging Industry Engineering Research Center
Ellagic acid (EA) is a natural antioxidant polyphenolic acid with pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-tumor. However, how to improve its bioavailability has always been a concern in the medical and pharmaceutical community. In recent years, it has been found that gut microbiota can participate in the metabolism of EA through multiple pathways and alter its efficacy. Research has shown that the gut microbiota in the human body interacts with EA. On the one hand, the gut microbiota biotransforms the chemical structure of EA, producing a new metabolite, urolithin (Uro); on the other hand, the utilization of EA in the gastrointestinal tract is relatively low, but some of it is metabolized by intestinal microorganisms into Uro products to improve bioavailability. This article summarizes the latest research progress on the interaction between gut microbiota and EA components, introduces the transformation types and metabolic characteristics of natural EA under the action of gut microbiota, and elaborates on the regulatory effect of EA on gut microbiota; In addition, this article elaborates on the various pharmacological activities of EA and Uro under the influence of gut microbiota, providing effective scientific references for further research on how to improve the bioavailability of EA, as well as the in vivo metabolic characteristics and pharmacological mechanisms of other polyphenolic natural products such as EA and Uro.
Key words:  drug metabolism  ellagic acid  urolithin  intestinal microbiota  pharmacological action