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libin,Wang qiongfen,Liu zuwang,Zhang mengqi,Zhang hongping,Zheng guoping.Analysis of the Origin and Quality of Piperis kadsurae caulis/Zhehaifengteng Based on UHPLC Fingerprint and Multi-component Quantitative Analysis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(19):63-69.
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李彬, 王琼芬, 刘祖望, 张梦奇, 张红萍, 郑国平
目的 建立海风藤、浙海风藤UHPLC指纹图谱及多成分含量测定方法,并结合聚类分析法进行药材基源及质量分析评价,为药材基源扩大及质量控制提供参考。方法 采用ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.8 μm)色谱柱,乙腈-甲醇-水(25:20:55)为流动相,流速 0.4 mL.min–1,检测波长380 nm、235 nm、215 nm,柱温 35℃,建立海风藤、浙海风藤UPLC指纹图谱,并进行相似度评价和聚类分析,同时测定3个新木脂素类成分含量。结果 海风藤、浙海风藤指纹图谱共分别标定了15个共有峰,并指认出其中3个共有峰,分别为11号峰海风藤酮、13号峰白玉兰亭B和15号峰风藤奎醇,相似度评价结果海风藤0.811~0.958、浙海风藤0.737~0.996;所建立的多成分含量测定方法具有良好的线性关系(r均≥0.999 7),平均加样回收率为98.37%~99.46%,RSD均<3%(n=6),含量测定结果显示,不同批次样品所含新木脂素类成分差异较大;相似度评价、聚类分析和多成分定量分析结果表明海风藤、浙海风藤二者间呈现较高的化学一致性。结论 指纹图谱、多成分含量测定结合聚类分析方法适用于海风藤、浙海风藤的基源分析和整体质量评价,为药材质量控制、海风藤资源扩大与综合利用提供实验依据。
关键词:  海风藤  浙海风藤  UHPLC  指纹图谱  聚类分析  多成分定量  基源分析  质量评价
Analysis of the Origin and Quality of Piperis kadsurae caulis/Zhehaifengteng Based on UHPLC Fingerprint and Multi-component Quantitative Analysis
libin, Wang qiongfen, Liu zuwang, Zhang mengqi, Zhang hongping, Zheng guoping
Zhoushan Institute for Food and Drug Control
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To establish the UHPLC fingerprint and multi-component determination methods of Piperis kadsurae caulis and Zhehaifengteng, combined with cluster analysis method to analyze and evaluate the origin and quality of medicinal materials, in order to provide reference for expanding the origin and quality control . METHODS The UHPLC was performed on ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 column (2.1 mm × 100 mm, 1.8 μm) mobile phase was acetonitrile-methanol-water(25:20:55) flow rate was 0.4 mL·min-1;detection wavelengths were 380 nm, 235 nm and 215 nm, column temperature was 35 ℃. Fingerprints of Piperis kadsurae caulis and Zhehaifengteng were established respectively, and similarity evaluation and cluster analysis were performed. Furthermore, the contents of three new lignans were determined. RESULTS The established UHPLC fingerprints of Piperis kadsurae caulis and Zhehaifengteng defined 15 common peaks which 3 of them were identified, including Kadsurenone(peak 11), Denudatin B(peak 13) and Futoquinol(peak 15). The similarity were 0.811~0.958 for Piperis kadsurae caulis and 0.737~0.996 for Zhehaifengteng. The established multi-component determination method hads a good linear relationships (r ≥ 0.999 7). The average recoveries were 98.37%~99.46%, and RSD were <3% (n=6). The determination results showed that there were significant differences in the content of new lignans among different batches of samples. The similarity evaluation, cluster analysis and multi-component quantitative analysis showed a high chemical consistency between Piperis kadsurae caulis and Zhehaifengteng. CONCLUSION The combination of fingerprint and multi-component determination, combined with cluster analysis method is suitable for the original analysis and overall quality evaluation of Piperis kadsurae caulis and Zhehaifengteng, which can provide experimental basis for quality control, expansion and comprehensive utilization of Piperis kadsurae caulis resources.
Key words:  piperis kadsurae caulis  zhehaifengteng  UHPLC  fingerprints  cluster analysis  multi-component determination  origin analysis  quality evaluation