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wang min,wang xiao li,meng ying cai.Construction and characterization of silver nanoparticles based on polyphenol reduction[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(23):76-81.
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王敏1, 王晓丽2, 孟英才1
目的 银纳米粒(Silver Nanoparticles, AgNPs)是一种极具潜力的多功能抗肿瘤试剂。然而,传统的化学还原法制备AgNPs存在抗肿瘤活性不显著、银有效利用率低等问题,为了解决这类问题而开展研究。方法 采用多酚还原法构建AgNPs,通过调整氢氧化钠用量和多酚化合物的结构来优化AgNPs的光热转化效率,同时绘制温度-时间曲线,评价银纳米粒光热转化性能。将制备的纳米粒子分别负载上模型药物多柔比星(DOX)与二氢卟吩e6(Ce 6),得到新的载药体系,采用紫外分光光度计测量载药体系的药物装载能力,并通过体外细胞实验评价载药银纳米粒的细胞毒性。结果 氢氧化钠在浓度为100 μmol/L时,TA-AgNPs的光热效应最强。多酚化合物结构中所含没食子酸越多,细胞毒性与载药量越高;多酚化合物结构中酚羟基数目越少,载药量越多,细胞毒性越大。且在近红外光照射下,联合化疗药物细胞毒性更强。结论 本研究发现用多酚还原法制备AgNPs,氢氧化钠浓度可调控AgNPs的光热转化效率。多酚化合物结构中没食子酸含量或酚羟基数目可调控AgNPs的药物装载能力。
关键词:  银纳米粒  多酚化合物  还原法  光热转化效率  药物装载能力  细胞毒性  
Construction and characterization of silver nanoparticles based on polyphenol reduction
wang min1, wang xiao li2, meng ying cai1
1.Xiangya Hospital, Central South University;2.Hubei University of Science and Technology
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are a highly promising multifunctional anti-tumor agent. However, AgNPs prepared by traditional chemical reduction methods suffer from issues such as low anti-tumor activity and inefficient utilization of silver. Therefore, research has been conducted to address these problems. METHODS AgNPs were constructed using a polyphenol reduction method. The photothermal conversion efficiency of AgNPs was optimized by adjusting the dosage of sodium hydroxide and the structure of polyphenolic compounds. A temperature-time curve was plotted to evaluate the photothermal conversion performance of the silver nanoparticles. The synthesized nanoparticles were loaded with the model drugs doxorubicin (DOX) and Ce 6, respectively, to form new drug delivery systems. The drug loading capacity of these systems was measured using a UV spectrophotometer, and the cytotoxicity of the drug-loaded silver nanoparticles was evaluated through in vitro cell experiments. RESULTS sodium hydroxide at a concentration of 100 μmol/L exhibited the strongest photothermal effect. The higher the content of gallic acid in the polyphenolic compound structure, the greater the cytotoxicity and drug loading capacity. Conversely, a lower number of hydroxyl groups in the polyphenolic compound structure led to higher drug loading and greater cytotoxicity. Furthermore, under near-infrared light irradiation, the combined chemotherapy drug exhibited enhanced cytotoxicity. CONCLUSION this study found that AgNPs prepared by the polyphenol reduction method can be controlled in terms of photothermal conversion efficiency by adjusting the concentration of sodium hydroxide. A higher content of gallic acid or a lower number of hydroxyl groups in the polyphenolic compound structure resulted in stronger drug loading capacity. The cytotoxicity was enhanced after in vitro combined photothermal treatment.
Key words:  silver nanoparticles  polyphenol compound  reduction method  photothermal conversion efficiency  drug loading capacity