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zhanghanjuan.Effects of Physiological Factors on Mycophenolic Acid Exposure in Renal Transplant Recipients[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(22):98-97.
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关键词:  霉酚酸  治疗药物监测  生理因素  药-时曲线下面积
Effects of Physiological Factors on Mycophenolic Acid Exposure in Renal Transplant Recipients
Zhengzhou No.7 People’s Hospital
OBJECTIVE To analyze the monitoring results of mycophenolic acid blood concentration in renal transplant recipients, and To investigate the effect of physiological factors on mycophenolic acid exposure in renal transplant recipients. METHODS A retrospective research method was used to summarize the information of inpatients treated with mycophenolate mofetil(MMF) and their concentrations were measured in the kidney transplantation department of our hospital. The effects of physiological factors such as concentration distribution, gender, body weight, gene polymorphism, albumin and hemoglobin levels and renal function on mycophenolic acid exposure were analyzed and discussed. RESULTS The area under drug-time curve(AUC0~12h)of mycophenolic acid in female recipients was significantly higher than that in male recipients. The AUC0~12h of mycophenolic acid in recipients with large body weight was lower than that in recipients with small body weight. There was no significant difference in AUC0~12h of mycophenolic acid in recipients with different genotypes. The AUC0~12h of mycophenolic acid was higher than that of the low protein group . The AUC0~12h of mycophenolic acid in the mild anemia, moderate anemia and severe anemia groups was higher than the normal group, the moderate anemia group and the normal group had significant differences . The AUC0~12h of mycophenolic acid increased significantly in recipients with creatinine clearance less than 60mL·min-1. The difference between creatinine clearance 30-59mL·min-1 group and the normal group was statistically significant. CONCLUSION The blood concentration of mycophenolic acid is affected by various physiological factors such as gender, body weight, serum protein level, and renal function. Blood concentration monitoring is required during individualized treatment.
Key words:  Mycophenolic acid  Therapeutic drug monitoring  Physiological factors  Area under drug-time curve