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ZI Xuemei,ZHANG Jun,HE Jin.Research Progress of Blood Drug Concentration Monitoring of Linezolid[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(3):424-428.
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自雪梅, 张峻, 何瑾
昆明医科大学第一附属医院临床药学科, 昆明 650032
目的 介绍利奈唑胺血药浓度监测的研究进展。方法 在PubMed、中国知网、万方医学网及FMJS等数据库组合检索2002年2月-2021年4月期间的文献,筛选出利奈唑胺血药浓度监测下有关疗效和安全性的相关文献,综合分析血药浓度监测下利奈唑胺疗效和安全性的谷浓度范围。结果 共检索到相关文献156篇,其中有效文献30篇。利奈唑胺在不同感染患者中的有效血浆谷浓度(Cmin)是不同的,多数研究认为Cmin>2.0 mg·L-1时有效,即谷浓度范围的低限通常为2.0 mg·L-1;就安全性而言,目前研究对利奈唑胺血浆谷浓度范围高限的确定不一致,最低为6.3 mg·L-1,最高可达22.1 mg·L-1结论 临床在使用利奈唑胺时,应该监测血药浓度,以达到既保证疗效又能降低不良事件发生的目的。
关键词:  利奈唑胺  血药浓度监测  疗效  安全性  测定  谷浓度  不良反应
Research Progress of Blood Drug Concentration Monitoring of Linezolid
ZI Xuemei, ZHANG Jun, HE Jin
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650032, China
OBJECTIVE To introduce the research progress of linezolid plasma concentration monitoring. METHODS Relevant literature from February 2002 to April 2021 in PubMed, CNKI, WanFang Medical Network and FMJS were searched. The literatures related to efficacy and safety of linezolid under blood concentration monitoring were screened. The trough concentration range of efficacy and safety of linezolid under blood concentration monitoring was comprehensively analyzed. RESULTS A total of 156 literatures were retrieved, of which 30 were valid. The effective therapeutic valley concentration(Cmin) of linezolid was different in patients with different infections, most studies thought it worked when Cmin>2.0 mg·L-1. That was, the low limit of the trough concentration range was usually 2 mg·L-1. In terms of safety, at present, the determination of the high limit of the trough concentration range of linezolid in plasma was inconsistent, the lowest was 6.3 mg·L-1, up to 22.1 mg·L-1. CONCLUSION In clinical use of linezolid, blood concentration should be monitored in order to achieve the purpose of both ensuring the curative effect and reducing the occurrence of adverse events.
Key words:  linezolid  plasma drug concentration monitoring  curative effect  security  determination  valley concentration  adverse reaction