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.The Effect of Jiangbai Tablet on Acetic acid Rat Gastric Ulcer Model[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2010,27(6):479-482.
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目的 研究一种由高良姜、香附、百合和乌药提取物制成的复方中药姜百片对大鼠醋酸损伤胃溃疡模型胃黏膜的保护作用。方法 采用醋酸注射法制作大鼠醋酸胃溃疡模型,将动物分为模型组、雷尼替丁阳性对照组(0.108 g·kg-1·d-1)、姜百片高(2.16 g·kg-1·d-1)、中(1.08 g·kg-1·d-1)、低(0.54 g·kg-1·d-1)剂量组,连续口服给药10 d后处死并解剖大鼠,测量胃黏膜溃疡面的长短径(L和H),按照公式S=πLH/4计算溃疡面积,用试剂盒测定损伤部位表皮生长因子(EGF)和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的水平。结果 与模型组相比,该复方中药的高(2.16 g·kg-1·d-1)、中(1.08 g·kg-1·d-1)、低(0.54 g·kg-1·d-1)剂量可以显著减小醋酸损伤大鼠的溃疡面积(P<0.05),并可显著提高醋酸损伤部位组织的表皮生长因子(EGF)(P<0.05)和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)(P<0.05)的水平。结论 姜百片具有抗醋酸损伤型胃溃疡的作用,其作用机制可能与提高组织的EGF和VEGF水平等有关。
关键词:  姜百片  醋酸溃疡模型  表皮生长因子  血管内皮生长因子
The Effect of Jiangbai Tablet on Acetic acid Rat Gastric Ulcer Model
SHAN Haili1  FU Xuchun2*  BAI Haibo3  HU Rong3
OBJECTIVE To study the protective effect of Jiangbai tablet, a Chinese medicine compound composed of Alpinta Officinarum, Cyperus Rotundus, Bulbus Lilii and Rlindera Strychnifolia, on the acetic acid-induced chronic gastric ulcer model in rats. METHODS Chronic gastric ulcer was induced in rats with acetic acid. Jiangbai tablet or positive drug ranitidine were orally administered once a day after the surgery. Ten days later the rats were killed and the ulcer area was determined from the formula S=πLH/4 where L was the major axis and H was the minor axis of the site of ulcer, then both the content of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the gastric lesions were determined with the immune kits. RESULTS Contrasting with the control group, Jiangbai tablet can significantly reduce the ulcer area (2.28±0.15, 1.66±0.49, 1.77±0.78 vs 7.18±2.03 mm2, P<0.05) and increase the content of the EGF(2.24±0.13, 1.93±0.16, 1.83±0.29 vs 1.66±0.33, P<0.05) and VEGF(2.28±0.15, 2.25±0.24, 2.27±0.29 vs 1.92±0.33, P<0.05) in gastric lesions. CONCLUSION Jiangbai tablet has antiulcer effects on acetic acid rat gastric ulcer model. The antiulcer mechanism may have some relationship with enhancing the production of EGF and VEGF in the gastric tissues.
Key words:  Jiangbai tablet  acetic acid ulcer models  EGF  VEGF